Welcome to Detroit


While I’m currently in the works of creating a new website/blog for my creative outlets, I wanted to share one of my latest poems with you all.

This is a poem about my hometown, Detroit.  Please check it out and please VOTE for me to help me in the #ChallengeDetroit competition I am currently in. Voting ends tonight at 11:59pm ET and all votes are needed and appreciated!

Challenge Detroit is a non-profit organization that unites individuals to work in the city to help contribute to the city’s success as well as finding innovative and creative ways to challenge the city  to help it grow.

I hope you like this poem and that inspires you to reflect on why you love your hometown. I also hope you vote for me.

Thank you for your support!

Outlasting the Fight is the Key in Perseverance

Image courtesy of John Kasawa at FreeDigitalPhotos.net
Image courtesy of John Kasawa at FreeDigitalPhotos.net

While some people decided to spend Spring Break relaxing in sunshine in states such as Florida, I decided to stay home and catch my breath in Michigan.

This semester has been a whirlwind spinning me in all sorts of directions. Halfway through, I feel as if I’m still walking on a tightrope trying to secure my balance.

Spring Break came right in time to allow me to have one week to ease my mind and catch my breath.The only thing I wanted to do more than anything was to use this time to inhale and exhale. During that time, I needed to breathe by letting go of the stress and worries that followed me from Central Michigan University to home.

I found myself looking for motivation to keep me going because like all good things, Spring Break would eventually come to an end.

I found exactly what I needed while listening to a remarkable speech by a motivational speaker named Eric Thomas also known as “ET The Hip Hop Preacher.

He was talking about how you’ll experience those moments where life is unapologetically and unashamedly kicking your ass.

Just like a boxer, you’re going to get hit from the right and the left. You’ll see some of the swings coming at you and some of them will catch you off guard leaving you on your knees bent over in pain.

I feel as if he was talking directly to me. I was thrown into a boxing ring and needless to say, I didn’t have any boxing experience. I felt as if I was the amateur rookie who was forced to compete with a professional champion boxer.

However, ET said something that really stuck with me giving me that I would never forget.

“There’s some things in life that all you have to do is outlast. You just have to learn the secret of how can I survive these next couple rounds because if I can get pass this, then I can knock you out.” -Eric Thomas

At this point I learned just because this semester has been a whirlwind so far doesn’t mean it will continue to be a whirlwind when I get back. I just have to figure out how to divide my energy between defending myself, fighting back, and saving energy for the next couple of rounds.

My Spring Break was the refuel that I needed. It was the water break to restore my energy and the echoes from my trainer to keep me going.

And now I’m ready to fight back.

I’ve learned how to stand my ground and I refuse to let this trying time in life get the best of me. This doesn’t mean I won’t fall to the ground with a black eye or busted lip.

It means that I will fall to the ground with those things, but find the strength within myself to get back up before the referee counts to 10.

Today is the final day of my Spring Break and tomorrow classes and the drama that comes along with it resumes. Instead of stressing out about it, I’m going to splash some water on my face and knockout whoever and whatever is trying to pin me down.

I’ve learned life is not necessarily about punching the person countless times until they fall. It’s about letting them waste all of their effort and energy in throwing those punches and learning to dodge them and outlast them.

At the end of the day, they’re going to get tired and while they’re stamina decreases, you’re going to utilize your saved energy and win the fight.

Now that’s what I call a “Knockout!”

We All Have Reason to Shake It Off

As of today, I’ve played Taylor Swift’s latest new hit single, “Shake It Off” ten times on my iTunes account.

This does not count the multiple times I’ve restarted the song from the beginning before it ended because the lyrics spoke to me leaving me with no choice but to rewind the song so I could hear it again and again (and again).

As a Swiftie (this is what real Taylor Swift fans call themselves), there are numerous reasons why I love this song. Besides the obvious fact that it’s a catchy ass good song, the song has a great message.

The players gonna play, play, play, play, play

And the haters gonna hate, hate, hate, hate, hate

Baby I’m just gonna shake, shake, shake, shake, shake

Shake it off

Shake it off

Heartbreakers gonna break, break, break, break, break

And the fakers gonna fake, fake, fake, fake, fake

Baby, I’m just gonna shake, shake, shake, shake, shake

Shake it off

Shake it off

No matter where you go, from Detroit to Seattle to Denmark to South Africa, there will always be players, haters, heartbreakers and fakers. Though this information is not surprising, the people who turn out to be the ones who betray you or make you look like a fool or simply hate on you can be surprising.

Sometimes it’s the people you never see coming. Sometimes it’s the people who were standing by your side for the longest. And, sometimes it’s the people you knew you should have stayed away from because you had a gut feeling that deep down inside something wasn’t right.

Regardless if you can tell if the people who enter your life are going to be good for you or toxic, the point is you have to learn how to shake it off.

You have to shake off the pain from the past. Dwelling on a time someone did you wrong will not give you the power to travel back in time and alter whatever happened. I’ve learned that in life, most of the times you have to just accept what has happened and move on.

If you’re not a Taylor Swift fan, in the words of Jay Z, you have to “dust your shoulders off” and keep it moving shorty. While Swift is shaking off the rumors and shade thrown by those who have too much time on their hands, I’ll be shaking off my own personal problems.

From people telling me, “You work too much, you need to have fun” to “You need to put yourself out there more,” I’m just gonna shake it off because I know the truth. Yes, I work a lot and I don’t go out as much, but I’m fine with that. Especially, because I know this hard work will pay off someday.

As I play “Shake It Off” for the 11th time on iTunes, I think of all the things and people I’m shaking off. And, boy do I feel as if a load has been taken off my shoulders.

Whatever or whoever is worrying you, do yourself a favor and shake it off.

Lessons learned at 20


When people ask me how old I am, they will normally do a double take or have a surprised reaction.

“You’re 20, you look like you’re at least 14.”

The most common reaction I’ve noticed is peoples’ eyebrows lifting as if they’ve just had an epiphany or found out the mystery behind the Bermuda Triangle.

Every time this happens, I just stand there and smile. It used to be a smile of discomfort but now it’s more of an understanding smile, because I know I look young for my age.

For years, people would guess that I was 12-years-old. I kid you not. I was at least considered “12” for 2 or 3 years straight.

As of now, I normally get “16,” even though I’m 4 years plus that.

Life at 20 has been an interesting one so far. I’ve learned a few things that blew my mind and experienced moments that would change the way I viewed people and myself forever.

One theory I’ve stumbled across is at the age of 20, you no longer have to ask for permission to fly. Growing up, you get stuck in the habit of asking your parents or getting your friends’ opinions on choices before you make them.

When I turned 20, I didn’t feel obligated to ask for peoples’ input anymore. This can happen to anyone at different ages, but it truly sunk in for me at 20 because I started to trust and rely more on myself.

I’ve also learned that just because the stars are aligned and sparks are flying doesn’t mean what is meant to be will be. This was one of those lessons that I had to learn the hard way – as in seeing the guy you had the biggest crush on in your life kiss another girl right in front of you while you were sitting there feeling like a fool while sitting in a study room – kind of way.

I’ve also re-learned pretty obvious things at 20-years-old as well. The most common lesson is “people are people,” which means people will do things that push you away. People will laugh and talk about your appearance even though you two are complete and total strangers (this is something people seem to never grow out of). Also, people will accept you for who you are because they have no right to tell you who to be.

It’s true that you never stop learning and you can always learn something new every day. My junior year has just begun and I’m excitedly looking forward to what I’m about to learn next.

What Finals Week Looks Like for College Students

A small lab in More Hall for students to utilize to get work done or prep for exams.
A small lab in More Hall for students to utilize to get work done or prep for exams.

Finals Week.

It’s the most stressful time of the year.

Students find themselves cramming in information they’ve been learning all semester in just a couple of hours.

Some students also step foot in the library located on campus for the first time.

For those who have experienced the madness and chaos of final exams, you can easily visualize what my campus must look like now.

For those of you who haven’t, picture a long line of students wrapped around Starbucks. Picture all the seats in the student lounge area are taken by study groups.

The smell of procrastination and anxiety fills the atmosphere leaving students with facial expressions of worriedness and panic.

Some students shake their head in confusion wondering how did they let this happen again when they promised themselves they were going to set a certain amount of time each week to study.

Some students are on the verge of a breakdown when they see how many pages of assigned readings they insisted on putting off for the semester.

There are a handful of students who seem prepared and confident about their abilities to ace their finals. You can spot them because they’re the ones not dressed in sweatpants binge drinking on coffee or Red Bull or consuming bottles of 5-hour Energy drinks.

Also, they’re eyes are not red and puffy due to sleep deprivation.

I find this week interesting because you realize a lot of things about different people. You realize if those people who have been on the top of their game all yearlong are really at the top of their game.

You realize if your professors are going to leave a great final impression by offering your class one last chance for extra credit. Or if they’ll ask you to review the syllabus, where big bold letters read “I DO NOT OFFER EXTRA CREDIT.”

You also realize a little more about yourself.

If you’re stressed out and find yourself pulling all-nighters, maybe this experience will leave you with the desire to stop procrastinating and stay ahead of the game (or not).

If you find yourself looking anything unlike a zombie or stressed out college student, then more power to you! And enjoy the most entertaining time of the year because it really is a sight to see!

5 Things Every Classy Co-Ed Should Know About Herself When It comes to Relationships

Classy Co-eds know maintaining a good relationship is far from simple, but it’s worth it.

I wrote this story for another blog for a possible internship with College Lifestyles. If the topic of relationships interest you or you’re curious to what relationships are all about, I’d really appreciate it if you check it out!

It Can Be Lonely Waiting for Love

Chocolate Heart Candy
Chocolate Heart Candy

I’ve never been in love.

I’ve never had a boyfriend.

I’ve never gone out on a date.

I’ve never had a first kiss.

And I’m twenty-years old.

This frightens me at times but when I tell some people, they smile as if it’s a good thing. And it could be a good thing.

I’d like to think everything happens for a reason and maybe my time for love wasn’t supposed to come yet. But I’m tired of waiting and I’m getting worried.

It really is a beautiful sight to see a couple strolling around campus hand-in-hand while looking happily in love.

At the same time, I can only look so long until I feel the urge to turn away. It’s not because I don’t like seeing people happy. It just reminds me of how unhappy I feel at times because I’ve never been there.

If I had a boyfriend or fell in love before at least once, I wouldn’t feel so bothered. But I haven’t had anyone and I’m not getting any younger.

I know. I know. “Be patient.” I heard it all the time. But that’s the problem, I’ve been waiting for quite some time now and I fear sooner or later my time will run out.

It seems like everyone’s world around me is changing and mine is staying the same when it comes to dating and relationships.

I’m trying to step more outside of my comfort zone, but nothing is happening. And sometimes it feels like my lips are drying up while waiting to be kissed by a guy who may never come. And that frightens me.

Waiting for someone to appear. If they never appear, you find yourself alone and confused because all you could remember was people telling you to “be patient.”

I know I’m still young and I shouldn’t feel as if I need a significant other to complete me, but it can get pretty lonely from time to time. Sure, I have friends but friends can’t always give you what you need or fulfill your desires.

I find myself asking God, “Where is my significant other?” and “Why can’t I find him or why can’t he find me?”

I even beg for clues so if I do meet a guy who seems like he fits the part, I’ll find the courage to walk up to him and introduce myself.

It’s a scary thought to know you lost your chance or shot at love because you didn’t make a move or you were just sitting there hoping someone would approach you.

I’m still waiting and praying God will either send him in my direction or we’ll meet halfway soon.

I’m not trying to seem impatient or unsatisfied with the way my life has turned out. It just gets lonely from time to time.

Losing Yourself in a Daydream

Thoughts of A Daydreamer.
Thoughts of A Daydreamer.


Have you ever found yourself wanting something or someone so bad and no matter how hard you tried, you could never call that thing or person “mine?”

I’m a daydreamer and I find myself daydreaming about my future, love, and several other topics that interest me a lot.

The downside to being a daydreamer is that sometimes you get lost in your daydreams or fantasies and forget they’re not reality.

Instead, you wake up to find yourself living in the real world and all of those sweet dreams have faded away.

And it sucks.

Because those visions of love and happiness brought you so much joy.

You wonder why these dreams won’t transform into reality. You question if you are you doing something wrong.

You ask God what do you have to do to make this dream come true. You beg and plead for Him to give you the answer to solve this puzzle.

But nothing happens.

Tears form in the back of your eyes because you want this vision to come to life so bad. And you’re trying so hard.

But your daydreams and reality continue to remain as two separate platforms. And it doesn’t look like they’ll be colliding anytime soon.

This has been something I’ve been struggling with all semester. I’ll share more of that story in the next blog.

Until then, I leave you with the question:

What are you reaching out for that you can’t seem to get ahold of?

How do you know when it’s time to let it go?

Life is a Beauty Pageant for Women

"Staring in the Mirror" Photo by April Jackson.
“Staring in the Mirror” Photo by April Johnson.

Life is a beauty pageant leaving all women to compete for the same crown.

According to several high-fashion magazines, beauty only comes in size 5 and under. According to some rappers, beautiful women are only those who have a body shaped like a coke bottle or a “big rack” with a “fat ass.”

It’s gotten to the point where women aren’t even encouraged or able or to define what it means for themselves to be beautiful.

Instead people from different outlets are shoving their definitions, standards, and expectations of women down women’s throats.

Some women even fall victim to these delusional perceptions spending money to fix, cover, hide, or erase their imperfections.

Life has quickly shifted into a beauty pageant for women in today’s society and the judges are men, jobs, and opportunities.

While walking across the stage, women are supposed to smile and look happy, even when they’re uncomfortable in those skyrocket heels squeezing their toes together creating a future of corns and calluses.

Women will be ranked from 1 to 10 based on their appearance leaving women to compete against one another and will try to lower their competitor’s number to raise their own.

Behind the red curtains, women are taught that the dress wasn’t made for them, but they have to be made for the dress. If they can’t afford an expensive designer dress then they’re slacking.

Because beauty and prestige is determined by the name stitched on the attire as well as the number of zeroes found on the price tag.

Women are constantly being reminded that their appearance is all they’ve got in this world. No potential lover or employer will want a woman that doesn’t look pretty enough, sexy enough, stunning enough, or simply enough.

It doesn’t even matter how intelligent she is. The only thing that matters is when she’s given the microphone to answer a question, she has to answer the question correctly.

She will not be judged on following her heart and using her brain, but saying what society and the judges want to hear from her in order for them to respect her and accept her.

The society we live in continues to challenge women, but through redefining what it means to be beautiful and fighting back against so many ridiculous standards, women will overcome.

The battle is a long and brutal one claiming the lives and breaking the hearts of many leaving those with open wounds and permanent scars.

After all, Beyoncé wasn’t lying when she said Pretty Hurts.

Poetry: Pretty Girl & Response to Beyonce’s Flawless (I Woke Up Like This)


I woke up like this (pronounced “I woke up like dis”).

Who hasn’t heard that line since the release of Beyoncé’s self-titled album?

Not only has that line and song become an anthem for women everywhere but it has changed the way I think of the word “flawless.”

Traditionally, we all know flawless is defined as “without any blemishes or imperfections” or in other words to be perfect.

Well not anymore, thanks to Beyoncé, my definition of flawless changed.

Flawless is not about being or looking perfect. It is about having the attitude that you were made perfectly because you were created and designed by a God w makes no mistakes.

He made you this way for a reason and you should embrace that instead of trying to change yourself to fit a certain mode.

The attitude of being flawless is about having confidence and loving yourself! It is about accepting everything that makes you who you are and flaunting your natural beauty.

Being flawless is also understanding you have flaws like every other human from acne to stretch marks, but not making a big fuss over them because you know those won’t determine your beauty or worth.

So, accept who you are and love yourself because you are flawless in the eyes of your loved ones and the Lord. And at the end of the day, that’s really all that matters.


This is a poem I wrote about recognizing your beauty and worth. Enjoy!


Pretty Girl by Charnae Sanders

Pretty girl, why do you cry alone in your room at night?

Don’t your eyes ever get tired of creating waterfalls?

Those rivers streaming down your cheeks

are going to make your eyes puffy.


Listen to me,

I don’t care what Vogue says

Or what some rapper has to say

If the only thing he knows is how to compare women to

dogs and coke bottles.

You are beautiful.


You don’t need to have the sex appeal of Marilyn Monroe

or  the airbrushed body of a supermodel.

All you need is to be yourself.


If you think breast and booty are the key to getting a men?

Then you are going to find yourself locked outside a lot of houses

because beauty is something the eyes can’t see.

It goes beyond attraction

And the measurements of your waist

And the cup size of your breast.

Beauty evolves from confidence.


A crown doesn’t make a beauty queen,

it’s about the self-worth and self-love she has for herself.

Who says you aren’t beautiful?

Pretty girl, you are a child of God

And God makes no mistakes.

You are a living image of his precious work of art

And not even Mona Lisa can steal your shine.


No material things

From make-up to diamond wedding rings

Can make you any more beautiful than you already are.


Pretty girl, I want to hear you say,

“I wouldn’t want to be anybody else”

because everyone’s beauty is unique

and incomparable to one another’s

because we are all different.


And when the girls around you hate

because they will hate

know that jealousy is the price of beauty.

People will envy what you have

and criticize you from head to toe

because of the insecurities they feel

because of what they lack.


But don’t let it hang your head in shame

or make you rush home

and tell mama that you need new clothes

or want to fix your hair or buy braces

because those things won’t please them.

They’ll only find something new to

talk and giggle about.


Instead, keep your head held high

and let them run their mouths

because by the time they catch them

you’ll be so far gone that you’ll have forgotten what they said.


Pretty girl, remember you are worthy of life,

Love, and happiness.

God made you beautiful

and every time you smile

you leave Him and I both standing in awe.